Оne army, «εκβάλλω», flows into Croatia from Serbia in 924 (or 926), while the other army belonged to Croatia. In this description, verb «εκβάλλω» (flows into and spreading) show a possibility that two different armies were merged. ” The writer of DAI described probably (the basic and smallest alagias, and the smallest “thousand”) up to 3,000 cavalrymen, up to 40,000 infantrymen (and up to 4,700 sailors). », should be translated as: “ to Baptized Croatia flows into and spreading cavalry up to 60 alagias and infantry up to 100 thousand. The mistake appeared as a consequence of the wrong reading of the abbreviation «ᾷᾷ» (ἀλλάγια), interpreted as Greek «,α» (1,000), and from the wrong assumption that “thousand” (χίλια, η), as a military unit has the same as a mathematical number 1,000 units (soldiers). According to the usual translation in the chapter 31 of DAI: “there were 60,000 horsemen and 100,000 infantry in the Baptized Croatia”. more Today, as the time of writing the whole book known as De administrando imperio (DAI) we can determine a time between around 926 and November 959. Today, as the time of writing the whole book known as De administrando imperio (DAI) we can deter.